The Garden Thyme Podcast
Backyard Chickens
The Garden Thyme Podcast, brought to you by the University of Maryland Extension, is a monthly podcast where you can get help getting down and dirty in your garden, with timely gardening tips, information about native plants, and more!
In this episode, we are joined by the University of Maryland Extension Poultry Specialist Jon Moyle. We invited Jon to give the cockadoddledoo details on raising backyard chickens. Jon covers information such as basic chicken biology, basic needs, and protocol for keeping poultry at home. More importantly, Jon discusses important facts homeowners should consider before taking on their own flock. To learn more about backyard flocks, visit the University of Maryland Extension Small Flock Production website. To register your flock through the Maryland Department of Agriculture click here. You can signup for Jon Backyard program here.
Native Plant of the Month (Spicebush- Lindera benzoin) at ~30:55
Bug of the Month (Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle) at ~35:50
Garden Tips of the Month at ~38:30
Garden Tips of the Month at ~38:30
Listen to the podcast here.
Posted: March 29, 2021, 8:05 AM