The Garden Thyme Podcast
May Herbs Herbs Herbs!
The Garden Thyme Podcast, brought to you by the University of Maryland Extension, is a monthly podcast where you can get help getting down and dirty in your garden, with timely gardening tips, information about native plants, and more!
In this month’s episode we are talking about herbs. Now there are too many amazing herbs our there to cover them all in one episode so in this episode we are cover: what is a herb, three common herbs (basil, chives and thyme) and some of our favorite herbs for the garden.
Native Plant of the Month (Wild Ginger) at ~ 27:10
Bug of the Month (Rose Slug Sawfly) at ~ 31:30
Garden Tips of the Month at ~ 36:15
Listen to the podcast here.
Posted: May 24, 2021, 7:37 AM