Administrative Professionals Conference-Recordings and Links
Reclaim-Rediscover-Renew in '22
The first system-wide Administrative Professionals Conference was well received, and well attended. UMBC had the second highest attendance of the event! Go UMBC! Those that attended needed to choose between three simultaneous sessions in each time block. The good news for you, and for those that could not attend, is that all of the sessions were recorded.
All videos are on a YouTube Channel and accessed via single sign through the USM Learning & Talent Development site:
Keynote Panel Discussion (with our own CHRO, Valerie Thomas)
Imparting Your Value through Sharing Your Story (with UMBC's Sarah Swatski)
Facilitating Brainstorming & Collaboration for Problem-Solving
Who Is Writing the Career Development Chapter of Your Biography? (with UMBC's Melody Wright)
Self-Care and Balance for the Professional
Upgrade Your Work with these Overlooked Apps
The Productive Professional
Fostering Belongingness in the Workplace
Conducting Vibrant Online Meetings in a world of Zoom Fatigue
Some sessions have additional resources or handouts that can be accessed here.
We look forward to seeing everyone in the USM Professional Development Week events during the week of October 17-21. More details to follow.
Posted: May 19, 2022, 7:22 PM