Sleep Better, Feel Better
Are you feeling tired? Going to bed but waking up not feeling rested? Getting only a few hours of sleep? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, keep reading!
With all the excitement and stress that may come with the start of a new school year, having healthy sleep patterns can be easily forgotten.
Sleep is an undervalued aspect of well-being. During the collegiate years, sleep is often rated as a low priority for students, especially around midterms and finals week.
Sleep deprivation, or not getting enough sleep, is a recurring problem for college students, including students at UMBC. A few reasons for sleep deprivation are:
- stress
- sleep disorders
- eating and drinking late at night
- consuming too much caffeine, alcohol, and sleep aids
Why is sleep such a big deal? The benefits of getting enough sleep include:
- reduced stress levels
- improved mood
- avoiding accidents or injuries that occur as a result of being sleepy, such as car accidents
- improved academic performance
What happens when you don't get enough sleep? Some of the risks associated with not getting enough sleep are:
One way you can improve your sleep is by improving your sleep environment.
- Designate your bed for sleep only to signal to your body that when you are in bed, you should be sleeping.
- Allow the space where you sleep to be as quiet and comfortable as possible when it is time to sleep.
- Turn off all electronic devices at least one hour before it is time to sleep to limit exposure to bright light before bed.
- Create a sleep schedule to consistently sleep and wake up at the same time.
- Create a wind-down routine, which is a series of actions that signal to your body that you are preparing for sleep.
- Examples include taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and stopping the consumption of liquids.
Retriever Integrated Health has staff available to assist students who may be experiencing problems related to sleep, but there are many apps that can help you wind down to prepare for sleep, such as
Posted: September 7, 2022, 4:33 PM