Nov. Skillsoft of the Month: Managing Workforce Generations
Learn how to manage multigenerational workforce generations
SkillSoft Topic of the Month: Managing Workforce Generations
The ‘Workforce Generations’ series is a set of three 1-hour modules and three 10-minute videos that contain information necessary for our multigenerational workplace. The first module describes the common characteristics of the four main generations in the workforce – the Traditionals, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and the Millennial Generation and introduces the benefits of cross-generational teams. The second module reviews the potential sources of conflict within a generationally diverse team and strategies for managing a multigenerational team in a way that ensures your team members feel included, respected, and supported. This module also describes how to implement a mentoring program that takes advantage of the varying experiences and perspectives of multiple generations. The third module describes best practices and successful techniques for managing Millennial and Generation X employees.
• Introduction to Cross-generational Employees: mgmt_20_a01_bs_enus
• Working with a Multigenerational Team: mgmt_20_a02_bs_enus
• Working with the 21st-century Generation Mix: mgmt_20_a03_bs_enus
The three 10-minute Business Impact videos are: Managing an Aging Workforce, Developing the Next Generation, and Understanding the Motives of Millenials.
Visit the UMBC SkillSoft website for a Quick Start Guide, FAQ’s, and the link to log in to SkillPort.
For more information about SkillSoft and the Business Exploration Series courseware, click here.
To schedule a department presentation about using SkillSoft for professional development, call ext. 5-6262 or e-mail
The ‘Workforce Generations’ series is a set of three 1-hour modules and three 10-minute videos that contain information necessary for our multigenerational workplace. The first module describes the common characteristics of the four main generations in the workforce – the Traditionals, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and the Millennial Generation and introduces the benefits of cross-generational teams. The second module reviews the potential sources of conflict within a generationally diverse team and strategies for managing a multigenerational team in a way that ensures your team members feel included, respected, and supported. This module also describes how to implement a mentoring program that takes advantage of the varying experiences and perspectives of multiple generations. The third module describes best practices and successful techniques for managing Millennial and Generation X employees.
• Introduction to Cross-generational Employees: mgmt_20_a01_bs_enus
• Working with a Multigenerational Team: mgmt_20_a02_bs_enus
• Working with the 21st-century Generation Mix: mgmt_20_a03_bs_enus
The three 10-minute Business Impact videos are: Managing an Aging Workforce, Developing the Next Generation, and Understanding the Motives of Millenials.
Visit the UMBC SkillSoft website for a Quick Start Guide, FAQ’s, and the link to log in to SkillPort.
For more information about SkillSoft and the Business Exploration Series courseware, click here.
To schedule a department presentation about using SkillSoft for professional development, call ext. 5-6262 or e-mail
Posted: November 13, 2012, 2:57 PM