Nature as Teacher
Nature Based Mindful Practice
An Invitation to Return...
There was a time in human history when each of us was alive and awake to both the beauty and the wisdom of the natural world. A time of awareness where we intuited that what was happening 'outside' was also happening 'inside' each of us. A time when nature was our teacher. The following practices invite you to return and rekindle this inner knowing for the sake of your own well-being, for the sake of our planet and for future generations to come who will inhabit it.
Principles of Mindfulness
Awareness - Paying attention to our attention - how and what we notice
Non-judgement - Our ability to accept experiences as they are without
evaluation or judgment
Peacefulness - Our ability to cultivate a state of peacefulness and equanimity
amidst changing conditions
Pay attention to these principles as you go through each exercise, bringing with you a sense of wakefulness, appreciation, and wonder to each experience.
19. Earth Teach Me Meditation
Before heading out for a nature exploration, first spend some time setting your intention. Begin by taking some long deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the nose, feeling your belly expand on the inhalation and contract on the exhalation. Allow your breath to resume to normal.
Instead of using your breath as an anchor for attention, this time, you will use a question. Turn inward and silently ask yourself: "What do I need to know most now, in my life?" Allow what arises to arise (e.g., flexibility, understanding, service, connection, etc.) without censorship. Continue to ask the question for the next five minutes, paying attention to any themes that emerge. At the end of your sit, identify a theme that you would like to explore on your walk. As you venture out, hold this intention present, and let nature be your guide. "Earth teach me __________." Pay attention to what shows up and record your insights at the conclusion.
This PDF was made possible with a grant from Center for Art Design and Visual Culture and Nature Sacred.
Posted: September 1, 2020, 7:59 AM