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Wellness Wednesday: Out of the Box, Into the Beat

Synchronizing Workforce Wellness



Date & Time

April 14, 2021, 12:00 pm1:00 pm


Interested in finding simple yet impactful ways to weave wellness into your professional and personal life?  If so, please join faculty and staff colleagues for Wellness Wednesdays.  Each session offers information, resources, and/or immersion into different wellness modalities that are supported at UMBC.

Out of the Box, Into the Beat supports your journey towards wholeness and a more vibrant connection with your surroundings. Consider how ubiquitous music and sound are in our lives,  yet how often do we consciously engage and choose what we are allowing into our earholes? By being more consciously selective, we have the power to shift our mood and daily experience. 

In this session we will learn to play with rhythm, music, and our sonic environment - engaging in research-based approaches that have been shown to boost the immune system, develop camaraderie, improve mood states, and reduce stress and burnout. 

When you leave this session you will feel calmer and more focused and you will have new tools to create those feelings on your own. And as thousands of participants have expressed over the last decade,  you will also leave with an increased sense of self awareness, empathy, and tolerance. 

  • No previous musical experience or instruments are needed

  • Bring a pen and paper, or a journal

Your Guide

Jason Armstrong Baker, is a Board Certified Music Therapist, a REMO HealthRhythms Facilitator, Young Audiences teaching artist, Music Director for Towson University's Department of Dance, and lifelong drummer.

Registration is required.  Please register at https://my3.my.umbc.edu/groups/training/events/92244.

If you register for a workshop and your attendance plans change, please let us know by emailing hrtraining@umbc.edu.

For more information on wellness at UMBC, visit http://www.umbc.edu/wellness.  

For wellness content delivered to your inbox, follow the Wellness Initiative myUMBC group today!

Join us as we recommit to making healthier choices every day!
